
Anima è composto da tre opere principali, bozzetti e carte preparatorie.
Tre esperienze, tre fatti, tre memorie innocenti, tre opere collegate a tre episodi dell’infanzia.
Ci sono attimi che programmano l’ esistenza, la segnano e ne determinano il percorso, ne delineano i contorni e ne caratterizzano il destino.
Sono fatti che hanno importanza vitale, che creano dinamiche alle quali non ci si può sottrarre, sono sempre li, sotto, che spingono, che tornano continuamente a galla e ci ricordano inesorabilmente perché siamo fatti così.

Anima is composed of three main works, sketches and preparatory papers.
Three experiences, three facts, three innocent memories, three works related to three childhood episodes.
There are moments that plan existence, mark it and determine its path, outline its contours and characterize its destiny.
These are facts that are vitally important, that create dynamics that cannot be avoided, they are always there, below, pushing, constantly returning to the surface and reminding us inexorably why we are made that way.

The Deep Sense of Fulfillment - Artwork of stratified resin, acrylic painting, industrial paint, magnets and ceramics - H 47, W 20, D 33 cm, 2013

The Deep Sense of Fulfillment

H 47, W 20, D 33 cm
Stratified resin, acrylic, magnets, industrial paint, 2013

Il lavello della cucina si trovava di fronte alla finestra che quardava il giardino. Illuminatata dalla luce del primo pomeriggio, ogni giorno,
mia madre era lì a lavare i piatti del pranzo. La guardavo indossare i guanti colorati e aspettavo con pazienza il momento della carezza sgocciolante, dolce, leggera, amorevole. La gustavo socchiudendo gli occhi e l’amavo con tutto me stesso.

The kitchen sink was facing the window that overlooked the garden. Illuminated by the early afternoon light, every day my mother was
there to wash the lunch dishes. I watched her wear colored gloves and patiently waited for the dripping, sweet, light, loving caress.
I tasted it, narrowing my eyes and I loved it with my whole being.

The Deep Sense of Fulfillment - Opera in resina stratificata, vernice acrilica, verniciatura industriale, magneti e ceramica The Deep Sense of Fulfillment in different colors The Deep Sense of Fulfillment - Particular Study of the Hypothesis of the Birth of a Tyrant - Captured Part 1, Best Friend Part 2, Forever Part 3

Study of the Hypothesis of the Birth of a Tyrant
Captured - Part 1, Best Friend - Part 2, Forever Part 3

H 35 cm each (approximately)
Stratified varnished resin, Acrylic, Magnets, Musk, 2013

La lucertola è catturata, ammaestrata ed ora è diventata una fedele amica. E’ piccola e indifesa, è debole e leggera.
La mano del bambino la accarezza ma non è in grado di gestirne la forza e la uccide, la soffoca. Nasce in lui un rimorso
profondo, un senso di colpa inguaribile, un ricordo di dolore e morte.

The lizard is captured, trained and has now become a faithful friend. It is small and defenseless, it is weak and light.
The child's hand caresses it but is unable to manage its strength and kills it, suffocates it. A profound remorse is born in him,
a sense of incurable guilt, a memory of pain and death.

Study of the Hypothesis of the Birth of a Tyrant - Best Friend Part 2, Forever Part 3 Study of the Hypothesis of the Birth of a Tyrant - Captured Part 1, Best Friend Part 2 Memory of an Intimate Lie - Opera in resina stratificata, vernice acrilica / Artwork of stratified varnished resin, acrylic painting - H 50, W 20, D 30 cm, 2013

Memory of an Intimate Lie

H 50, W 20, D 30 cm
Stratified varnisched resin, Acrylic, 2013

Il maggiolino delle rose è un insetto che permette di capire il senso della vita. Sembra fatto con uno stampo.
Se ne metti due, uno vicino all’altro, ad un primo colpo d’occhio, sembrano perfettamente identici.
In realtà, osservando gli scudi color smeraldo si possono notare impercettibili differenze.

The rose beetle is an insect that allows us to understand the meaning of life. It looks like it's made with a mold.
If you put two, one close to the other, at a first glance, they look perfectly identical.
In fact, by observing the emerald shields you can notice subtle differences.

Memory of an Intimate Lie - Particular The Deep Sense of Fulfillment - Stampa serigrafica su carta fatta a mano con matita e vernice acrilica / Serigraphic print on hand made paper ply with pencil and acrylic painting - 70 x 105 cm, 2014

The Deep Sense of Fulfillment

70 x 105 cm
Acrylic, pencil, ply, serigraphic print on hand made paper, 2014

Study of the Hypothesis of the Birth of a Tyrant - Captured Part 1, Best Friend Part 2, Forever Part 3

Study of the Hypothesis of the Birth of a Tyrant
Captured Part 1, Best Friend Part 2, Forever Part 3

56 x 76 cm (each)
Acrylic, pencil, ply, serigraphic print on hand made paper, Stratified resin, White varnish, 2013

Study of the Hypothesis of the Birth of a Tyrant -  Forever Part 3 Study of the Hypothesis of the Birth of a Tyrant - Best Friend Part 2 Study of the Hypothesis of the Birth of a Tyrant - Captured Part 1 Whispering the Lie - Serigraphic print on hand made paper with pencil and acrylic painting, ply, resin, charcoal, scotch-tape - 50 x 70 cm, 2013

Whispering the Lie

50 x 70 cm
Resin, acrylic, pencil, charcoal, ply, scotch-tape, serigraphic print on hand made paper, 2013

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